Steuerberater Kürten Bechen | Martin Hellberg

Digital and much more...

First collecting incoming and outgoing invoices, then filing cash receipts and bank statements and then taking all the documents to the tax advisor... Isn't that all from „yesterday“? Yes, it is! Our financial accounting, payroll accounting and tax returns are kept and processed in digital form and made available to you again electronically.

The technical effort is limited in this respect. Either you scan your documents at home or in the office or you make your existing electronic documents available to us in our data room. Collecting, filing and bringing them to us would then „from yesterday“.

Together with you and your employees, we will examine your business processes and find out in which areas of accounting and document organisation is potential for optimisation. In addition, we will work with you to develop procedural documentation that will support you during the next tax audit.

HStB – Hellberg Steuerberatung

Kochsfeld 40
51515 Kürten Bechen
+49 (0) 1575 1108859
+49 (0) 2207 3679